author | Gardner Pinfold |
published year | 2011 |
document type | report |
location | British Columbia, Pacific |
subjects | Wild Salmon Policy, implementation, Strategy 6, strategy six, integrated strategic planning, performance review |
access file | download pdf |
Performance Review of the Wild Salmon Policy
Canada’s Policy for Conservation of Wild Pacific Salmon (commonly referred to as the Wild Salmon Policy, WSP) was adopted in June 2005. Its goal is to restore and maintain healthy and diverse Pacific salmon populations and their habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of Canada. This goal is to be achieved by safeguarding the genetic diversity of wild salmon populations, maintaining habitat and ecosystem integrity, and managing fisheries for sustainable benefits.
This review responds to the commitment in the Policy to conduct “An independent review of the success of the WSP in achieving its broad goals and objectives…” This report examines progress made in implementing the Policy. It provides an assessment of how this work has contributed to achieving the goal and objectives, and identifies internal and external factors and challenges that have influenced success. It also sets out several recommendations intended to accelerate the pace of implementation.
The information relied on to conduct the review includes that found in documentary sources and obtained through interviews with DFO officials, First Nations representatives, representatives of the commercial and recreational fisheries and ENGOs. Documents were obtained mainly from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and also from ENGOs and individual interviewees. Transcripts of testimony given at the Cohen Commission and materials compiled by the Commission were also used. An attempt to gather opinion using an on-line survey posted to the WSP website yielded limited results.