author | Rosenberger, A.; Taylor, G. |
published year | 2022 |
document type | technical report |
species | steelhead |
subjects | Alaskan catch, exploitation rate, commercial fisheries |
access file | ![]() |
Alaskan Harvest of BC Salmon: State of Knowledge Part 7: Steelhead Trout

This report is part of a series of reports on the ‘State of Knowledge’ of Alaskan interception of BC salmon. This report series is a summary of existing information that was compiled from a number of sources. We also provide information on 2021 catch in Southern Southeast Alaska. The intent of this report series is to promote discussion, identify knowledge gaps, attempt to collect, and make available, all relevant data, and provide recommendations to improve our understanding of Alaskan interceptions of Canadian salmon. To that end, we encourage feedback and discussion on the content, and welcome additional information that we may have missed. As such, it should be considered a ‘living document’. Future versions will include clarifications, edits, and likely additional content. Changes will be tracked and recorded for transparency and collaborative purposes. Please reach out to either of the authors for further information or to provide feedback or additional content.
To complete this ‘State of Knowledge’ report series, we procured, compiled, and surveyed data from numerous sources (e.g., Pacific Salmon Commission website and reports, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Pacific Salmon Foundation, LGL Limited). Estimates of Alaskan capture of BC salmon were from multiple sources and required an extensive effort to compile, including numerous discussions with staff from DFO (NC, WCVI, ECVI, ISC and Fraser regions), LGL Limited, the Pacific Salmon Commission, the Pacific Salmon Foundation, and Alaska Department of Fish and Game.