author | Buchanan et al. |
published year | 2020 |
document type | plan |
species | Pacific salmon, steelhead |
location | Bridge River, British Columbia |
subjects | dam, barrier, monitoring, dewatering, spawning |
access file | ![]() |
Bridge River Project Water Use Plan: Seton River Habitat and Fish Monitoring Implementation Year 7

The overall objective of the BRGMON-9 program is to monitor responses of fish habitat and fish populations in the Seton River to the Seton Dam hydrograph. Currently in year seven of ten, this monitoring program was developed to address a series of management questions (MQ) that aim to: 1) better understand the basic biological characteristics of the rearing and spawning fish populations in Seton River, 2) determine how the Seton River hydrograph influences the hydraulic condition of juvenile fish rearing habitats and fish populations, 3) evaluate potential risks of salmon and steelhead redds dewatering due to changes in the Seton River hydrograph, 4) assess how the Seton River hydrograph influences the availability of gravel suitable for spawning, and 5) estimate the effects of discharge from the Seton Generating Station (SGS) on fish habitat in the Fraser River. Monitoring for the latter MQ was revised in 2017 to address stranding concerns in the lower Fraser River as a result of shutdowns at SGS and is addressed in a separate report.