Our Projects
Our work includes a wide range of projects, from targeted research projects to advance assessment methods and our understanding of the threats facing salmon, to status assessments, to facilitating the development of salmon conservation, recovery, and stewardship plans, to the democratization of information to support evidence-based salmon conservation planning and management.
displaying 19 projects
Strengthening community-based monitoring of stream temperature and flow conditions
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Salmon Assessment Framework & Resilience Integration: The SAFARI project
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Salmon Conservation & Restoration in the Thompson-Shuswap Watershed
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Snapshots of Salmon Populations & their Habitats in BC
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Strengthening First Nations-led Salmon Escapement Monitoring on BC’s Central Coast
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Prioritizing Salmon Habitat Restoration in the Lower Fraser River
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Assessing Freshwater Climate Indicators & Salmon Vulnerability to Climate Change
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Population Science Advisory Committee
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Habitat Science Advisory Committee
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Stream Temperature Modeling for BC
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Applying the Pacific Salmon Explorer in Species at Risk Processes
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Developing a Vision for Salmon Monitoring & Stewardship on BC’s Central Coast
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Prioritizing Conservation Strategies for Pacific Salmon on BC’s Central Coast
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Mapping Thermal Refugia in Salmon Streams
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Using Machine Learning to Support Salmon Population Monitoring
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Assessing the Vulnerability of Pacific Salmon to Freshwater Habitat Pressures
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Exploring How Incomplete Information Affects Biological Status Assessments
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Identifying Biological Benchmarks for Skeena River Salmon
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Skeena Sockeye In-River Run Reconstruction
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